Tag Archives: documentation

Kala Artists’ Annual documentation

If you didn’t get a chance to pop over to Kala (because you live on the East Coast or some such…) here is a documentation shot from the show. That’s my piece with the bright red…

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Music of the North Side Spaces

A few weeks ago I shot an event for an incredibly talented composer, Nathan Hall. The event was structured as a walking tour of the Northside. Nathan composed a series of pieces all inspired by the history and architecture of spaces visited along the walk, including the New Hazlett Theater and the Mattress Factory. Here are two quick images from the performance:

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So it’s not the best documentation, but it’s what I had on me. My camera’s screen is broken from the inside….uh huh yeah. It’s more expensive to fix it then it cost in the first place, so it looks like I’m finally getting a new camera.

Michelle, my muse, (who played the majorette in my photograph) posed in front of it for me. The show was fantastic. We made it in time to attend the opening and met Kerry and one of my fellow exhibitors, Elin Lennox. Her work is pretty incredible – check it out here.

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